Beginner's questions… These may be questions you are asking yourself! Pronunciation, meaning of words, (very) quick explanations of the practices of the BuQi® System… This is an invitation to continue your quest for information on this site or by contacting us.
Presentation of the BuQi®
1) How is BuQi® called?We say: “bou” “chi”
2) What does this mean?

BU means: to put in order, to arrange
IQ: energy
3) What is energy?
氣 is the Chinese ideogram for QI (“chi”): energy. Energy is something impalpable and dynamic that spreads everywhere. One could compare its circulation to that of an electric current, in a network in the body. The Chinese speak of breaths.
What practice?

4) What do we do exactly?
We practice exercises called daoyin which aim to activate the energy centers of the body and to unblock the flow of energy where it stagnates.
5) Is it gymnastics?
No, these are not simple muscle movements. We open the areas of the body concerned by the exercise, thanks to the circulation of energy.
6) Can you name exercises?
There are several types of exercises that have different functions:
- • Taijiwuxigong (“Tai Dji Wou Si Gong”),
- • Daoyin Yi Jin Jing (“I Djin Djing”),
- • Daoyin of animals,
- • Taiji 13,
- • Taiji 37,
- • Daoyin of E-Mei Mountain...
What are BuQi® exercises?
7) What do these names mean?

Daoyin (“dao-in”) means exercise that gives direction (to energy).
Yi Jin Jing, exercises that stretch and transform muscles and tendons.
Daoyin of animals :
Exercises inspired by the classic postures of the 5 animals (Tiger, deer, monkey, bird, bear), plus one, the penguin added by Dr Shen Hongxun.
Taijiwuxigong means: to become great, in an unlimited way thanks to the work of the 5 breaths in the body. We open the body and activate the energy, thus eliminating blockages.
Taiji 13 and Taiji 37, similar to Taijiquan, also means becoming unlimitedly great. Taiji 13 because 13 movements, 37, because 37 postures.

Daoyin of E-Mei Mountain, due to the geographical origin of this practice. These are 12 separate sequences that work the balance of the body. We look for the opening of the channels and meridians from the extremities (hands and feet).
8) Meridians, does this refer to Chinese medicine?

Yes, the meridians are the circuits of energy in the body. They are related to the different organs. Freeing the energy circuits is therefore beneficial for the body.
Similarly, channels are wider pathways, which connect the different parts of the body and open it up.
Frequently Asked Questions about BuQi®
9) I know the chakras, but I don't know what the dantians are...

In the Chinese tradition, the dantians are centers of energy, three in number. The lower dantian corresponds to the belly, it is located 4 fingers inside the body.
The middle dantian corresponds to the chest, an area where emotions are "stored", the upper dantian is between the eyebrows, a little above.
The Hindus call it third eye.
10) Spontaneous movement is a learned practice?

No, spontaneous movement is by definition spontaneous. Every person has spontaneous movements in everyday life, such as blinking. As far as we are concerned, it is a reaction of the body, physical or emotional, which is explained by the activation of energy in the body thanks to a posture. We talk about spontaneous movement induced by the posture. This practice is related to that of Taijiwuxigong. Blockages are eliminated.
11) Why are these practices slow?
Slowness seems undesirable in a society based on speed. You have to understand the benefits of a practice that restores unity to the body, in a world that fragments everything. Isn't it necessary to take the time to savor the gestures? Feeling what is happening in your body is also a way to better understand it.
12) Is there meditation?
Golden light meditation is one of the BuQi® practices. However, you should know that the purpose of the exercises is to bring everyone to a state of inner balance, to calm the mind, and to arrive at what could be called meditation in action.
13) Can we expect benefits from these practices?
This is their goal: we are talking about health practices, which act on the body and the mind. Doctor Shen Hongxun uses the word self-healing: we act on ourselves, for greater well-being.
14) What does the logo mean?

This logo takes up the principle of the seal, that is to say an inscription in sigillary writing, an old spelling. We find on the right, from top to bottom, the word BuQi (see question 1) and on the left, from top to bottom, the word “lian meng” (“link men(g)”), which means federation, union.